Story: Rhonda Phillips

Instructor, Virginia Tech
Headshot of Rhonda Phillips

This binder has become the go-to binder for my content area pre-service teachers, as well as, teachers who participate in my content area reading/writing workshops. As I learn new ways to engage students’ comprehension of their content-related texts, I file ideas in the appropriate tab in my binder. (How did I ever file information before the “LiveBinder It” became an integral part of my life?)

I teach five online Masters level education courses for ‘career-switchers.’ These students are like sponges–truly appreciating the learning about new technology, reading articles, or watching videos that help them enhance comprehension of their complicated texts. My loaded Content Literacy LiveBinder doesn’t disappear after their course is over. It’s always available for them to access the multitude of help provided for their professional development. I expanded this binder to include ELL information, since it is a ‘needy’ topic with content teachers now.

In the professional development workshops that I conduct, I’ve shared the actual advantages of using the LiveBinder as a portfolio for themselves and their students. Just last week, a teacher contacted me to say how much he appreciated my LiveBinder and that he was exploring the usage of it as a portfolio for his students this next year. Along with my students, and workshop participants, I also share this LiveBinder with the greater education audience through Twitter. One of my greater joys is receiving positive feedback from teachers who have found the binder a benefit to themselves and their students.