Story: Debbie Merkwan

LiveBinders has been amazing for us! We started out with the usual paper binders that were quickly becoming obsolete sources of information and hard to keep updated. We started looking for a digital solution that could keep everything in one place, but also be easy for our staff to find on a regular basis.
We have 50 staff that are scattered through 16 counties. To help simplify their access to our resources, we have a binder for forms, a binder for policies and procedures, a binder for our governing boards and a couple misc. binders. Instead of printing out paper copies, our staff can easily find whatever they are looking for in that specific binder. If they need to print a form, they can do that from within the binders, and they trust that the updated version will always be in that LiveBinder.
If you are a department leader looking for a way to simplify sharing with your team, I would highly recommend trying LiveBinders. It has been a game changer for us!