A Classroom Library Guide for Teachers
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) states that classroom libraries should provide twenty-first century students access to books to promote literacy. Classroom libraries in all content areas serve to motivate and engage students. These libraries should be supplied with a wide variety of diverse materials written for a broad range of interests and reading levels. My school district is shifting their focus towards promoting literacy in an effort to stem the downward trend in reading, especially in the middle school years. This shift necessitated the need for all content area teachers to begin developing classroom libraries. The impact of such a task upon several of my seventh grade team members was overwhelming. As one of the ELA teachers, many questions were tossed my way, such as how do I go about finding books? How do I organize the books? How do I manage the books? This guide was designed with my peers in mind; middle school teachers with minimal time and limited resources. There are thousands of wonderful ideas on the internet, so I curated book lists and ideas that would jump start any middle school teachers' efforts to support literacy and learning in their school. I have also added in some of my personal tips from my thirty-five years of experience in creating new classroom library collections for the ELA classes in which I have taught.
National Council of Teachers of English. (2013, May). Statement on classroom libraries. NCTE. https://ncte.org/statement/classroom-libraries/
Kimberly HodgesEducation
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