Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15 - October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. This binder provides a BinderBank of curated resources recognizing the history of those who hail from Mexico, parts of the Caribbean, Central and South America and Spain. As new resources are discovered the binder will be updated and as necessary revised when resources and sites change over time. Updated 8/3/24
Linda HouleEducation
Views: 1270
Useful: 0
Genius Hour / 20% Time
Great Genius Hour and 20% Time resources including grade level success stories, why you would want to do Genius hour, how 20% time works, how to get started, how to work through issues, and how to communicate with parents about the projects.
Joy Kirr (@JoyKirr)Education
Views: 1486625
Useful: 187
UDL Toolkit
Here you will find a collection of UDL resources for teachers, coaches and instructional leaders.
Fred CochranEducation
Views: 80551
Useful: 45
First Five Days
How you treat students the first five days of school sets the tone for the year. What will you and your students do those first five days?
Joy Kirr (@JoyKirr)Education
Views: 245272
Useful: 77
Panther Tech Newsletters
The Panther Tech Newsletter is delivered once a month, September - May. The newsletter is full of the latest technology tips and tricks, sites and new Google news. Perfect for any educator!
Mickie MuellerEducation
Views: 3148
Useful: 0
School Nursing Resources
A collection of resources to strengthen guidance for the practicing school nurse to reach the goal of supporting student health and academic success by contributing to a healthy and safe school environment.
Lisa Sicilio, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSNHealth
Views: 8751
Useful: 0
Famous Kansan
4th graders at Belmont will be asked to answer the compelling question: Who is a Kansan, past or present, that everyone living in Kansas should know more about?
Ms. LamonsEducation
Views: 970
Useful: 0
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This binder provides curated resources that are a starting point for those interested in Asian Pacific Americans. As new resources are discovered the binder will be updated and as necessary revised when resources and sites change over time.
Linda HouleEducation
Views: 594
Useful: 0
Understanding Our Water
The contents of this LiveBinder present resource information to help understand the California Groundwater Sustainability Management Act (SGMA) and the implications of Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA) and Groundwater Sustainability Planning (GSP) and the resulting impacts to districting, rates, storage management and sustainability
Public Information curated by John DahlgrenNews & Politics
Views: 4791
Useful: 0
This binder consists of transition resources for VI professionals who work with visually impaired students who are preparing to transition to life after school
Eva Thompson-LavigneEducation
Views: 10053
Useful: 0
AI- Catalog of Resources for Districts and Teachers
A collection of AI resources for district leaders compiled by Colorado Digital Learning Solutions and BOCES eNetLearning.
This collection contains examples of how AI is being used by districts, organizations, and teachers and will continue to be updated and expanded as items are shared and made available.
Dan Morris, Teresa Yohon, Gin Randolph, Jane BrownEducation
Views: 2262
Useful: 0
Digital Spring Cleaning
Spring has sprung and it is time to get digitally organized. From the Better Business Bureau, to organizations, to tech gurus and school and colleges a variety of sites offer suggestions to get your digital life clean, safe and organized.
Linda HouleEducation
Views: 1193
Useful: 0
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. This binder provides curated resources that are a starting point for those seeking resources recognizing the history, culture, and traditions of the African American community. . As new resources are discovered the binder will be updated and as necessary revised when resources and sites change over time.
Linda HouleEducation
Views: 942
Useful: 0
Women's History Month
March is Women’s History Month. This binder provides curated resources that are a starting point for those interested in women’s history. As new resources are discovered the binder will be updated and as necessary revised when resources and sites change over time.
Linda HoulePersonal
Views: 569
Useful: 0
Nesting Eagles WEB CAM!
Jan-June is nesting time for Bald Eagles - Check out to Eagle Cams . One from Big Bear, California and the other from Decorah, Iowa
Views: 1089
Useful: 0
OH Behave! HSB Newsletters
OH! Behave! is published electronically monthly for the Healthy Social Behaviors Project by a team of Behavior Specialists. Each newsletter focuses on a topic related to social-emotional development of young children. Send your ideas for a topic you'd like to see covered, or a question you'd like addressed to AskABehaviorSpecialist@gmail.com.
Smokie BrawleyEducation
Views: 6255
Useful: 0
Ms. Kilsey's K-5 Educational Website
Tools to assist parents and students for learning the basics to higher level reading ~ Syllabication, Blending Words, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Story Read Alouds located in Student Reading Websites
Ms. Audrey A. KilseyPersonal
Views: 46294
Useful: 5
Yup'ik/ Yugtun Language User Guide
This guide compiles a variety of materials on Yugtun/ Yup'ik, the language of the Yupik people in Southwest Alaska. The benefit of this guide is to help people navigate and easily access a variety of materials for the Yugtun language. Most of the materials that are listed are based on the collection of the Kuskokwim Consortium Library in Bethel, Alaska. For more information or for assistance finding additional resources, please contact the KCL Librarian at 907-543-4517.
Quyana Dr. Sally Samson (UAF Kuskokwim Campus), John DiCandeloro (UAF Alaska Native Language Archive), Alice Rearden (Lower Kuskokwim School District) and Ann Fienup-Riordan (Cultural Anthropologist) for your expertise in developing this guide.
To add more recommendations for this LiveBinder, fill out this google form!:
Kuskokwim Consortium LibraryEducation
Views: 2324
Useful: 0
Oklahoma Tribal Resource Guide
The Oklahoma Tribal Resource Guide consists of links for Tribal websites, directories, and organization websites who offer various services in food, clothing, domestic violence, parenting, and so much more for Oklahoma Indigenous families. Please note available services and information about the provider change often. This resource guide is not an all-inclusive list , but is to help start searches for needed services. The goal of this resource guide is to assist Indigenous families, Tribes, Court Partners, community resource partners, and OKDHS staff to locate services. Some services are provided for a cluster of counties that could serve as an additional resource for families. This resource guide is growing, and the goal is to have every county tab entered and filled with resource information! Please send comments and suggestions on inclusions and improvements to Myra.swager@okdhs.org to better meet the needs of Oklahoma Indigenous families. Feel free to share this guide by sharing this link https://www.livebinders.com/b/2690945. *If accessing this virtual guide on your mobile device, please scroll down on the menu list to help see all the tabs.
Views: 4007
Useful: 0
High-Leverage Practices in Special Education
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and the CEEDAR Center have created twenty-two high-leverage practices (HLPs) for students in special education. This LiveBinder is a compilation of those practices and resources for each of the HLP.
Views: 12551
Useful: 0
Mathematics Resources for TSVIs
Teaching Mathematics to students who are blind or visually impaired.
Note: Throughout this binder, we have included Project Access and other Premade Materials. These resources are integrated into the area of relevance instead of their own Tab. We acknowledge the contribution of the Authors of these resources and hope you enjoy the materials provided.
Susan Osterhaus and Donna ClemensEducation
Views: 1312
Useful: 0
Native American Heritage Month
Resources to begin research to celebrate the cultures, traditions, and histories of the Native American and Alaskan Native communities.
Linda HouleEducation
Views: 1101
Useful: 0
Learn how to take notes in a meaningful manner and learn which style of note-taking is right for you!
Views: 3613
Useful: 0
2023 B.E.S.T. Mathematics Professional Learning Events
The Florida Department of Education is pleased to announce the 2023 B.E.S.T. Mathematics Professional Learning Events. These events will expand on the professional learning that took place during the 2021 B.E.S.T. Mathematics District Lead Professional Development Events in July 2021 and the 2022 B.E.S.T. Mathematics Professional Learning Series in June 2022. During the event, Florida mathematics educators will come together for explicit, systematic training on the content and implementation of the B.E.S.T. Mathematics Standards.
Views: 16128
Useful: 0
Tyler Junior College: Successful College Student Resources
Tyler Junior College has developed a resource to assist students with overall success in the college realm. The contained documents address areas including academics, physical resources, socio-emotional self-care and more. Please feel free to investigate and utilize these downloadable, fillable, and/or live link items. These are great tools for educators, students, parents of future students.
TJC Admissions and Career PlanningEducation
Views: 3700
Useful: 3
Field Loss and Orientation and Mobility
Binder with resources for understanding the implication of field loss on orientation and mobility, as well as information on various kinds of field loss.
Chris TabbEducation
Views: 83
Useful: 0
This livebinder contains assorted resources for new and advanced Newsela users to learn how it works and what features it has for learning , teaching and PD. Some tabs require clicking Go to Site when content is not shown directly.
Stella Maris BerdaxagarEducation
Views: 9465
Useful: 0
A Classroom Library Guide for Teachers
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) states that classroom libraries should provide twenty-first century students access to books to promote literacy. Classroom libraries in all content areas serve to motivate and engage students. These libraries should be supplied with a wide variety of diverse materials written for a broad range of interests and reading levels. My school district is shifting their focus towards promoting literacy in an effort to stem the downward trend in reading, especially in the middle school years. This shift necessitated the need for all content area teachers to begin developing classroom libraries. The impact of such a task upon several of my seventh grade team members was overwhelming. As one of the ELA teachers, many questions were tossed my way, such as how do I go about finding books? How do I organize the books? How do I manage the books? This guide was designed with my peers in mind; middle school teachers with minimal time and limited resources. There are thousands of wonderful ideas on the internet, so I curated book lists and ideas that would jump start any middle school teachers' efforts to support literacy and learning in their school. I have also added in some of my personal tips from my thirty-five years of experience in creating new classroom library collections for the ELA classes in which I have taught.
National Council of Teachers of English. (2013, May). Statement on classroom libraries. NCTE. https://ncte.org/statement/classroom-libraries/
Kimberly HodgesEducation
Views: 479
Useful: 0
Preschool AT Process
Information put together by AT Consultants at the Capital Area Intermediate Unit in Pennsylvania
Geri SchafferPersonal
Views: 2179
Useful: 0
SALT Series Serving Southwest Ohio
Welcome to the Butler, Montgomery, Greene, and Warren Counties’ S.A.L.T & S.A.L.T. TEENS Series Live Resource Binder. This binder contains presentation material with documents, links to videos and web-sites, along other information to assist family members, school personnel and other stakeholders interested in the transition from school to adult life planning, linkage, and outcomes for transition-age youth with developmental disabilities. While these resources are brought to you for your reference, S.A.L.T. does not endorse any specific organization, agency, or service. The information contained in this binder is subject to change.
SALT Resource Solutions LLC, January 2018Education
Views: 132749
Useful: 0
ACCESS Policy Manual for Schools
This digital binder will serve as a resource for schools and LEAs to use concerning the policies and procedures associated with the ACCESS Virtual Learning Program.
MJ BallardEducation
Views: 158629
Useful: 0
American Women's History
This LiveBinder is focused on American Women's History primarily from the late 18th- mid 20th centuries. In this LiveBinder, you will not find many of the famous names with whom you may be familiar. Instead this LiveBinder will shine a light on dozens of women who helped shape the United States and the World, and yet are rarely acknowledged.
Jamie Sue EdeEducation
Views: 375
Useful: 0
Feedback In Lieu of Grades
My 7th grade ELA students will not receive any marks - only feedback. They will use this feedback, revisions, and evidence of success to grade themselves beginning in the 2016-2017 school year. This binder will be used to explain to parents what we're doing and WHY.
Joy Kirr (@JoyKirr)Education
Views: 164562
Useful: 5
2022 B.E.S.T. Math Professional Learning
This 2022 B.E.S.T. Mathematics Professional Learning Series event will expand on the professional learning that took place during the 2021 B.E.S.T. Mathematics District Lead Professional Development Events in July 2021. During the event, Florida mathematics educators will come together for explicit, systematic training on the content and implementation of the B.E.S.T. Mathematics Standards for grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 and for school leadership. The event sets out to support teachers with effectively implementing the B.E.S.T. Standards for Mathematics.
FDOE Bureau of Standards and Instructional Support - Office of STEAMEducation
Views: 28119
Useful: 0
Graphic Design Resources
This LiveBinder provides numerous resources for graphic design teachers to use with their students.
Views: 4326
Useful: 0
Waste Water Scan for tracking diseases in your area
You can track an outbreak just by monitoring the quality of waste water in your area's waste water treatment facility. Find your area and see what is happening in your area. Or sign your area's water treatment to the study. Diseases tracked are;
Monkey Pox MPXV
Human Metapneumovirus HMPV
Views: 7
Useful: 0
Data Threat Dashboard Information
The contents of this LiveBinder present and share in real time threats to data integrity around the globe in dashboard and map format. This LiveBinder has been assembled from public information curated from the internet via Google Chrome web browser. The intended purpose is educational and general interest. For inquiries or concerns, please contact the author.
Public Information curated by John DahlgrenTech & Science
Views: 1448
Useful: 1
NCSCOS ELA Resources
This LiveBinder provides an organized collection of resources for the adopted 2017 ELA NC Standard Course of Study. We hope this binder will help to inform your district’s professional development or add clarity to current initiatives. We will continue to update this binder as we learn of more resources that will assist educators in implementing our standards.
Views: 167679
Useful: 0
Lewis & Clark Trail Companion
This binder was developed as part of the support materials for a NEH Summer Institute held June 30-July 21, 2019. Because we were moving thru eastern Montana and western North Dakota we had limited ability to carry resources. This binder made the electronic connections for participants easier during their out-of-class time. I moved my tipi and provided outdoor evening experiences "off the clock" for participants to become closer to connecting with folks they were learning about and with.
Erik HollandEducation
Views: 566
Useful: 0
AR Transition Portfolio Manual 06132022
This student transition portfolio manual is a tool used to organize a set body of documented work by the student which supports career exploration and workplace readiness and soft skills. It also includes any needed support in the areas of education/training and independent community living in the development of preparation for post-secondary life. Important information can be accessed by members of the student���s transition team with student���s consent to be used to support their post-secondary goals.
Lisa WashingtonEducation
Views: 1019
Useful: 0
Design Thinking Skills in Action
A collection of useful resources to understand and apply Design Thinking skills in context, in different scenarios utilizing Livebinders as the hub connecting steps, apps, sources, and nodes.
Stella Maris BerdaxagarEducation
Views: 1471
Useful: 0
NaviLens - Smart Digital Signage for all
This binder shares how NaviLens codes, multi-colored QR-style codes, are used to make places, spaces, and things more accessible to everyone, including people with vision loss, sign language speakers, and speakers of 36 languages. It also includes resources about how to get and use free Personal NaviLens codes and NaviLens Accessible QR codes to make our world more accessible.
Tim FahlbergEducation
Views: 22428
Useful: 0